Practices For Clearing Karmic/Toxic Relationships

I feel that Doc Lindwal’s practice that my friend David taught me which utilises “REM” can be very useful for beginning to Open Up Psychic Awareness & Reprogram Ourselves and Belief Patterns that have long caused Unconscious & often Unnecessary Suffering.
1)Close Your Eyes and Slow your Breath.
2)Put All you Focus and Energy into your eyes and asking for Truth Guidance and Visions to come through.

3) Visualize & say the numbers 20-1 Slowly….Slowing your Breath More and more…
4) Visions and Images that are clues to where we have suppressed or locked-down from our Awarenesses may start to come up. Release these patterns by saying the opposite. For example, “I release any and all toxic programs around addiction from my childhood. I now completely Love ad Choose to Be Free from the Imprint of addiction & the pain it causes”
The same can be done for anything from physical pain to emotional traumas of all types.  If you’ve got a lot to process you may want to connect with a Healing Facilitator that you feel called to working with.
Here is a Hawaiian Karma Clearing Practice:
 Ho’o Pono Pono (To Make Things Right):
“I apologize. 
Please Forgive Me
I Forgive You (even if it is just from the Higher self from where there is no separation or Team Dark & Light)
Thank You.
I Love You.”
Try it.
Here’s another Practice adapted from something Ariel Leianna taught me:
1)Imagine standing in a Balcony on a Stage and calling each individual out onto the stage & their Higher Self which comes in at the same Height as Yourself in the Tower.
2)Confront Them, Say what you need to. and then
3)Imagine CUTTING THE CORDS WITH A SWORD. IMAGINE And Request Saint Germain and two Kundalini Type Spirals of the Violet Flame to BURN THROUGH THE KARMIC CORDS, Dissolving them into the Violet Light. Then Call in the SAME Spirals if you’d like. TRUTH MOTHER FATHER SOURCE and Your TRUTH GUIDES.  Ask them to clear the energy & ALIGN THE ENERGY TO THE DIVINE HIGHEST VIBRATION.
4)Then Call in the Golden ENEGRY SPIRALS of the Protection:
 And, if you’d like, METATRON, SANDALPHON, & JOPHIEL.
5)Ask their LOWER SELF:
5a) If they say no, go straight to Asking their HIGHER SELF until you get to a dimensional awareness Level wherein they say YES. The HIGHEST being UNITY WITH THE DIVINE where There is NO SEPARATION.
7) Breath and RELAX and Feel More FREE!
I hope this helps! Be well.
Okay, Last One for Now. This is From Camille Moritz‘ forthcoming book “Heaven on Earth, Just for Being, Light Activation Playbook:
Visualize the CENTRAL SUN Above your Head and bring it down to  slightly above the height of your forehead about 6 feet out. 
You can *muscle test in your preferred method to ask how clear each chakra is. This is not necessary for this practice however. 
Invite the Light of the CENTRAL SUN to fill and CLEANSE your 7th Chakra.  Imagine cutting all Cords & CONNECTIONS with ANY & ALL OTHER BEINGS that may have their ENERGY or Belief SYSTEM Imprints.  
Repeat for all your Chakras.
ENJOY! Let me Know how it goes, I’d love to hear feedback from you! 🙂
Forever In Love,
Justine Gabrielle

Reflections on the Quantum Field & Video links to Quantum Healers

What is the Quantum Field?  What can or cannot be accessed through it?  What of speaking with the “Over-soul”?

I m grateful that I can count Quantum physicists, Inventors, Shamans, Visionaries, Doctors (both Natural and Allopthic), “Gurus” Seers, Talented Musicians and a whole lot of other Mystical Folks as part of my Soul Tribe-Family .  From my numerous encounters with such folks, and my own earnest Vision Seeking, I have come to learn certain things about this illusory world we inhabit.

First, We are way More Non-Stuff than Stuff and we are Held in Place through FREQUENCIES! Everything we see and interact with as solid, is really VIBRATING through Space & Time, agreeing to take the form of that  wooden coffee table, electromagnetic waves of energy, programmed to be your “Price is Right” or CNN/ Puppetted Media. Fear Percipitation PrOgRaMs are JUST THAT–programs of a Paradigm that is Quickly Becoming Obsolete as we Awaken with Our Mother Earth Goddess Gaea Sophia Pachamama.

As EVERYTHING on this Planet accelerates as we hurtle towards the Galactic Zero Point Center, like standing on the rim of a half pipe at a skate park and just tipping our weight forward to be downwardly surfing gravity as we descend through space.

What is Gravity anyway? Same as everything else when we think of the True essence of what “it” is–Love.  The Love of Two bodies falling towards each other in a vacuum,  desperately filling the vacuous space that was inhabited by lesser Friction-ously vibrating awareness particles.  Love, that which is in all of Life, that which binds us all to our self and not-self ness.

Team Dark vs  Team Light:

What if Lucifer and God really are, just as they always were since TIME DOESN’T REALLY EXIST?  Best friends playing a chess game (Team Dark and Team Light)? I’ve pondered this more than once.

I have a friend named David who had a Near Death Experience, waking up later in the morgue ith a tag around his toe. He said that, on the other side, he was sung to and flew with Angels, he floated above our atmosphere and over “Hell,” where the Suiciders and War Mongerers inhabit for as long as they CHOOSE to Play the Old Pain/War Game. Yes CHOOSE. He saw no women there–it appeared they Choose Forgiveness more readily perhaps, while other felt the need to torture and be tortured.  Apparently Jesus can even swoop people out from their fear cages if they say their equivalent of the “Lord’s Prayer”. This means EVEN IN HELL they can be saved BY LOVE & FORGIVENESS– UNCONDITIONALLY! Very What Dreams May Come, huh? For how could we REALLY APPRECIATE the TRUE BEAUTY OF THE LIGHT WITHOUT SHADOW?  David was brought to the gates of Heaven, and allowed to go through and meet with Jesus himself and his cosmic eyes (as David remembers). He was shown 2 pages of  a book, 1 of his shameful deeds and anger and the other of all the GOOD & LOVE he had shared in his life. He thought of his children in that instant and requested to come back to care for them. He was sent back, 28 minutes after dying on the table.

He also has been given an Amazing Healing Technique utilizing REM,  wherein the person gets to a Theta Brain Wave state and can reprogram their beliefs and even the sensations of pain and any DIS-Ease in their bodies. There are many routes to Quantum Healing, we just have to be willing to explore them and realise that its real. As I understand it, we Agreed to this Experiment.    We are here SURFING throughout MANY LIFETIMES, going through SOUL REFORM SCHOOL to EnLighten Up, Learning to LOVE each other better and succeed where in the past we have failed. We can get off these karmic hamster wheels and ascend our consciousness if we choose to!

We are meant to be the Gardeners of the Beautiful, Bountiful, HEAVEN ON EARTH but we’ve got to GET OVER OURSELVES! Let go of the Pain and Accusations, the Fear Based Hatred of the “other”, and the need to Kill or Cause Pain (or Eat the pain of another living being as far as I’m concerned), and FORGIVE & LOVE OURSELVES & EVERYONE ELSE UNCONDITIONALLY to EVOLVE Past the Limiting, Old Paradigm Thought Patterns that have kept us trapped on the Karmic Hamster Wheel for Millennia Now!

We are set to move into the Enlightened “Satya Yuga” from the heavy, former “Kali Yuga”, as Ayurvedic texts would refer to it. This refers to a ReAwakening of Consciousness.  As we embark on this Reawakening and New Evolution of Consciousness, we will need to REMEMBER, RELEASE, FORGIVE,  and INTEGRATE the LESSONS from not just THIS LIFE but ALL OTHER LIFETIMES our Soul has experienced.  We might not think this is necessary but what if, for example, your Asthma in this life is based in being BURNED AT THE STAKE in a former life. Through the work and teachings from so many healers and hypnotherapists such as Dolores Cannon,  Camille Moritz and Doc & Ruth Lyndwald, it has become apparent that this IS THE  a MAIN ROUTE to FULLY HEALING IN THIS LIFE!!

Miracle Healings have been recounted such as cartilage being regrown in one client of Dolores Cannon’s.  In her sessions, The Over-Soul & Soul Guides speak through the hypnotised client, who is induced into an incredibly deep hypnotic state.  In this aforementioned example,  the condition for the Miracle Healing of the client’s knees was that the woman “NEVER Wear Those Shoes Again!”, referring to the footwear that had apparently caused misalignment in her knees earlier in life.  😉

Through my personal Healing Work, I was trained by TJ Frank how to “TUNE” myself and my personal Energetic Balance to the most Positive, Highest-Vibrational Rainbow of Healing Sounds, Colors, and Emotional Polarity Affirmations. The Deeper and Truer I can Vibrate the Positive Field of each Emotional Polarity, the Better and Cleaner the Bodywork Session is. That is the Zen of Zen Shiatsu. My Clients Universally tell me they feel “Lighter” after our sessions, which also corresponds with Decreased Inflammation, symptoms of compression, and pain, and in Increase in their Physical and Energetic Alignment and Flexibility. Also, if I have  a slight resonant issue, the “goo-balls” of stuck energy and pain can also clear in me at the same Quantum Moment as we Share in the Resonant Healing Field, the Zero-Point of Infinite Potentiality.

ANYTHING is Possible and Sound & Frequencies CREATE and Give Shape to Our Co-Experienced REALITY.  Re-Speaking and Integrating the Lessons and Pain from our previous Traumas and CONSCIOUSLY CHOOSING OUR REALITIES NOW as Co-Creative, Sentient Beings, can SHIFT our Daily Experiences Dramatically. We can allow for Divine Synchronicity, Magic, Grace & Ease to Flourish in our Lives! It is actually our Divine Purpose in this Life–to clear and forgive all our old Karma with our eternal “FREnemies” through time, so that we can re-evolve ourselves into a level of Compassion, Love, Awareness and Ability that the Universe perhaps has Never Seen Before! Thanks be to our Galactic  & Divine Family that help guide us gently from the other side of the Veil of this Illusory Reality. We are So Blessed and So Loved!

Dolores Cannon, Speaking with Project Camelot.  I attended a conference, called “Transforming a World in Crisis Through Consciousness” lead by Inelia Benz and Bill Ryan, of Project Camelot/ Avalon.

Inelia Benz talking with Bill Ryan, for Project Camelot/Avalon:

Where I am Now: Northwest Mainland USA: Rogue Valley; Between Ashland & Merlin, Oregon

So what have I been up to?  Well, Last week I did some by donation treatments at a retirement community near Medford. It was an honour to get to hang out with these wonderful souls and share healing energy, prayers, stories, knowledge and jokes with them. One darling woman who I did a Gua sha treatment said, “You know what you are? You’re  a NATURE MUFFIN!” I thought that was the cutest thing anyone has ever called me, I will forever smile when I think of that phrase. 🙂 🙂  🙂

I’ve been living at  a Wonderful Organic Farm with lots of pears and figs, peaches and apples–and other talented healers. I Love the Greenery of Oregon.  There is n Abundance of Amazing Pine and Redwood Trees and Astounding Vistas.

I did some massage at the Farmer’s Market today. My Grateful yet only Client said, “My whole day has been leading up to this moment here with you, I feel like all my tissues detoxified.”  Proof is in the pudding, I suppose. I Love doing this Work and Living My Life. I am forever Grateful to Great Spirit-Creator-God, my Higher Self,  all my Truth Guides and Angels, and My Beloved Family Tribe of Friends.

Rogue Valley, Oregon:

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